Friday, April 01, 2005

Plump Up The Volume

One of the best things my brother ever did was marry who he did.

It was a fast courtship. It was also a long distance one. So when you are talking on the phone every night for hours and living hundreds of miles away, what do you do? You get married! Or rather, you elope to a very far away land where nobody will know you. And that is what they did. They hitched their fingers together and jumped to Italy - just the two of them. The pictures sure were pretty. And when they got back, the fun didn't stop! They got married by a justice of the peace to make sure it was legal in the eyes of America. They also did a church ceremony to make sure it was sacred in the eyes of the Lord. And they had receptions everywhere, with this part of the family, then that part of the family. It was a matrimonial whirlwind really. So when you ask me when their anniversary is - I just don't know. My head hurts trying to do the math.

But they did things their way. And it worked. They produced two of the three most beautiful children nearest and dearest to me. They love each other. Very much. Or they are very good actors.

I remember the first time I got to meet my new sister. Mom and Dad had already met her and loved her. But my first time meeting was going to be as sister-in-law. So I had to like her because she was here to stay and I couldn't give my little brother shit about it. So, in my mind, I was going to try my best to like her regardless.

Turns out I didn't have to try, I just did. She was so likable. Easy-going. Warm. Vivacious. Sweet. I felt like I had known her forever. We jumped right into conversation like one we had been carrying on for centuries. I loved her instantly.

She has fabulous taste. She is a great decorator, a terrific cook, and a devoted mom, daughter, sister, wife.

But you know what my favorite thing about her is? She is older than me - by 19 days. So she checks out the age before me. She dips her foot into the water. Shakes it off. Then we hold our breath and dive in together.

While we are not quite at the "39 and Holding," "40 is the New 30," or "I Don't Get ID'd Anymore" age yet, we are creeping up on it. We regularly bemoan our aging bodies and how we have to work harder at it. So this year we need a plan. And I think we found it. Cosmetic trickery! The Lip Plumper! They say it will smooth the wrinkles and create a mild "swelling of the lip tissue" and it doesn't involve painful injections. It's genius really. Because every aging beauty needs big lips. Yes, we are starting small on the body beautification. Baby steps. Next year - maybe Crest Whitestrips?

Pucker up, Gina!
Happy Birthday, girlie!

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