Friday, May 04, 2007

A Friday Night Date

I came home from work, put on a low-cut sundress, slid my feet into new summer sandals, layered some necklaces, squirted my signature scent, Angel, on my neck, and brushed a coat of lip gloss. I smacked my lips, did a double take in the mirror (someone's got to give me second glances, the cat's dead and even then she just gave me those evil stares plotting my death).

There was a kick in my step. Where did this newfound....what is it...not necessarily happiness...but contentedness, yeah? ....where did THAT come from.

I don't know but I am going with it.

I picked a bouquet of flowers, a rotisserie chicken, pilaf, greens, chocolate mousse, raspberries, a red, a white, a champagne, a Chimay. Just some accessories to a good date.

I thought the wine sampler guy was flirting with me so I tried all six then went back to the Zin for another swig. He was buying.

I put the pilaf on simmer, settled into a bath, glass of wine in hand.

After dinner, I dipped some raspberries in "vegan" chocolate mousse. Finished the bottle. And called it a night.

Tomorrow I have a date with a horse.

1 comment:

KELLY said...

Angel is my signature scent, too!